Impact of climate change on India

Climate refers to established temperature, rainfall and moisture of an area for centuries. Due to several reasons, it has come under cImpact of climate change on Indiahange. Now, it is wreaking havoc against the existence of human being. It is dangerous to every being on earth and has capability of smashing all the creatures in one day if it is not properly tackled. Already, few countries are under its influence and are ready to bear the brunt. India is no exemption for it. It has gone under it and symptoms are being experienced in nook and corner of Indian subcontinent. The effect of climate change on India is as follows

Agri-productivity loss

Few areas will experience hotter climate. This will in turn increase the capacity of droughts. Droughts occur and it results in severe water crisis. If water availability is less, crops cannot grow. We are not using water efficient technologies. These will aggravate the situation and  pose damage to crops. This results into agro productivity loss. Few areas may experience floods etc. We are not ready with flood resistant crops. This also spoils agro productivity which can create high price due to agro productivity non availability.

Disappearance of coastal areas

Climate change makes ice sheets and icebergs melt and results in increase of sea water levels. This makes islands get submerged. It is already making news that few islands are covered with water. We have great and wide coastal area. This is going to be affected with the climate change. Our wide coastal area has no precautionary arrangements which cannot have capability to stop the growing tides. This surely makes lose coastal area. Our coastal area will be shrunken and can cause all structures along with coastal area will go ruin. Tourism industries which are flourishing on beaches get affected. The persons who are living on sea like fishing get affected.

Damage to Himalayan environment

Himalayas are treasure trove of various flora and fauna. It is boon to Indian subcontinent as it is helping with its diversity. Rivers are generating with its slow ice melting. This is leading to perennial river system. If ice melts faster than normal it can cause floods. This makes human as well as economic loss to country. It is not only destructive to Himalayas but also to entire country.

New pests and diseases

Climate change is seen in temperature and humidity. They may be less or more. This attracts various new pests which are new to the geographical area. New diseases prevail and human lifestyle is altered. Pests will devour agricultural productivity and diseases will pester human beings. New pests are already seen in Himalayan area. Varieties of plants may suffer reduction and extinction.

Increase of natural disasters

Few areas are experiencing snow fall in winter which have never experienced earlier. Cloudbursts are happening anImpact of climate change on India2d in hours areas are inundated and water-driven damages are causing lot of troubles. Floods may increase or droughts may happen. Avalanches may occur in Himalayan area. This may in turn lead to flooding of rivers and damages to river bank settlements or constructions. Landslides may increase as temperature and humidity may increase the incidents.

Alteration of monsoon cycle

Monsoons are boon to Indian agriculture. They are helping farmers follow a time table to sow, reap, thresh etc. This is natural time table. If any alteration comes in this order, severe loss will prevail. It will be hard for any farmer to sustain. But, in reality there is alteration of monsoon cycle. This is partially decreasing the productivity. In long run, food availability will be lessened.
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Top 10 social problems of India according to United States (Part 2)

Social problems are not getting proper solution to end them. as the time going several problems are vanishing. But new problems are being generated faster than extinguishing problems. This is part 2 of social problems of India according to United States.
Social Problems of India

6. Honour killings

These are another blot on the prestige of India. Daughters are thought to be robots as they have to listen to every word of parents in any issue including marriage. Those who do not listen properly and wed in other castes are being killed in the name of honour. In few states, Khap Panchayats play role in these honour killings. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana are mostly affected. Honour killings constitute 10% of all killings. Such is the drastic situation prevailed in above stated states.

7. Corruption

Corruption has become necessary evil in India. Actually corruption is paid to make officials do what is not intended to do. But in India, corruption prevailed to make officers to do what they are intended to do. Here, bribes are given to expedite the necessary work. Every office is filled with bribe culture. As government employees are not getting enough salaries, they are used to this type of anti-law activities. As long as political corruption prevails, bureaucratic corruption will not be stopped. Political parties are not dealing with the roots of corruption. They are just pruning every time. This is not going to benefit Indians. There are recent scams 2g, Coalgate scam, commonwealth scan and many others.

8. Overburdened judiciary

Judiciary is not immune from problems generate out of greediness. It is inflicted with overburden. The system is maintaining age old practices. Still we can listen to the sounds of type writer in court premises. There should be steps to speed up the process. Digitalization is to be started. Every court should be unified through internet. The case details should be available to all. Vacancies are to be filled. There are more vacancies in the courts. Corruption is another blot on judiciary. Cases and their results vary according to name and fame. The judges are arrested in the case of Gali Janardhana Reddy are examples.

9. Naxalism

There are twin security problems to the country i.e. insurgency in borders and naxalism in central India. Insurgency is leading to kidnaps, rapes, murders and children as soldiers. Naxalism was spread in red corridor. Now and then, there are attacks on police and civilians. Naxalism was spread around mineral rich areas or forest areas. They are standing against the government wishes to stand for rural and tribal people. This is creating conflicting area. People are being displaced with the conflict between government and naxalites.

10. Abuse of rights

Power yielding sources are often abusing the rights of fellow beings. Fake encounters are carried out. Several police offers are charged with the cases of fake encounters. Ishrat Jahan case is considered to be fake which is creating ripples and calling for remedies. In India abuse of rights has become common factors as people do not participate in activities of government. There is great necessity for saving rights of civilians. Abuse of power is to be checked and balancing acts should be brought forward.

Top 10 social problems of India according to United States (Part 1)

This article deals with the India's social problems. These are existed in Top 10 social problems of IndiaIndia for years. The reports of US clearly described the top ten social problems in India which is making life of people deplorable. The social problems existed in India are as follows

1. Religious hatred

India is known for its diversity. Several religions have their birth in India and have grown. As there are different religions, few sections want to gain ground and cause disturbances to peace prevailed. As per US reports, the communal hatred is leading to deaths and displacement of people in India. Specific reports are provided to that aspect. It has quoted Muzaffar Nagar violence caused due to communal disturbances. The Muzaffar Nagar violence started with eve teasing by a Muslim. This has led to upheaval. As a result, sixty five deaths have occurred.

2. Caste bias

Caste favoritism is known factor to every Indian. In a time or the other, in life time, one is debased due to casteism. Government sector is maintaining balance by providing reservations to uplift the social status of downtrodden by infusing economic advantage in them. But, even after independence we could not wipe out casteism as it being grown. Dalits are facing humiliations. They are facing atrocities. Cases are growing day by day. Dalit women are being sexually harassed. Children are made sit in last rows of classrooms. Even welfare programmes are not reaching them. Welfare programmes are provided to them at the mercy of upper caste people.

3. Situation of States

United States of America is very concern with the state Gujarat. If we see the past, it has not granted visa to its chief minister. The social problem existed here is communal clashes and the victims are Muslims. In 2002, communal clashes occurred in Gujarat. Till now, there is no justice. The commission is still carrying out its stint to give its report for years. The Nanavati Mehta commission has got its 21st time extension. Delay in justice is injustice.
Social problems of India

4. Safety of girls

There are weird incidents those show the atrocities done on girls. Gang rape culture is growing enormously and cruelty is hissing all the time on girls. Delhi Nirbhaya incident has touched and pained all the hearts of Indians. Such situations are pathetic and raising the fingers of other countries to question us on these incidents. There are so many reasons for it. Complete overhauling of system is necessary. Even after Nirbhaya case, there are several incidents. This is alarming the society to take necessary steps.

5.  Domestic violence

The life woman is dependent on others at the every stage of life. She has been made a working woman in the kitchen. She is harassed for every reason. She has been beaten up for unnecessary things. She has become object of enjoyment and an object to divert the ire generated in working places. She is mostly harassed to bring dowry and gifts. This is rampant and families are being festered with problematic relations. Domestic violence act was put forth in 2005. But, this could not curtail the incidents of domestic violence. Most of the cases will not come to police stations as they are settled by elders.

If you are interested to know more about social problems of India, Top 10 Social problems of India Part 2.

Why is one dollar equal to sixty rupees or more?

Dollar is American currency which has become universally accepted currency. Even though there are competitors, there is no proper alternative to beat its supremacy. Everyone is after dollar to earn it as the earner is technically sixty times more than Indian earner. In detail, dollar earner gets more rupees than his counterpart who is working in India. Hence, most of the guys are after the dollar. The reason is evident. But why should Indian rupee be lesser than the dollar, why dollar and rupee cannot be of same value. These are the questions you might have encountered in your life. They might have gone to sub conscious area to find answers. This article is a solution to find the reasons behind dollar and rupee relation.

Reasons behind lesser rupee value

Balance of payments crisis

India has experienced the Balance of payments crisis in 1991. India has to reach to the World Bank and resort to lending. The conditions are imposed on India. Among these conditions, India has to lose the value of rupee. Actually rupee has not lost its value against dollar, but also against other currencies. Thus BoP crisis has its role in depreciation of rupee. The lesser rupee has its fall in 1990s. Why should India lessen its currency value? Our 80% of trade happens in dollars. We need dollars to buy anything from outside. If a country lessens its currency value, importers get encouraged. They get good profits. Dollars will flow to the country where exporters are greatly engaged in exporting. Thus a nation can have balance of payments. This is the reason India is to fall its currencies. The more detailed explanation is given for deliberate falling of rupee in next paragraph.

Throwing down the value purposefully (weak rupee policies)

Every country wants to export goods and services to be away from Balance of payment crisis. As well as one wants to be ahead of other country. This leads to promotion of exports and governments will make policies to encourage exporters. Few countries try backdoor promotions to gain a bit than other countries by letting their currency rates fall. For example, if an exporter by selling a good to United States, you assume that he gets $1. If currency is fifty rupees, exporter may not export the good to USA. But if it is sixty rupees or more, he can benefit by ten rupees. He supplies same good with same value. But currency changes bring him ten rupees profit even the good value is not changed. Even there are chances for appreciation of rupee, India may step behind to do so as it may lessen the profit margins and lead to dampen the spirit of exporters. So there is easy fall but very tough task to get appreciated. Here we can say everything has its good and bad. Even fall in rupee is beneficial for a section i.e. exporters. There are several examples for this type of deliberate falling in currencies. Few countries denounced China for inadvertently letting its currency fall down to benefit exporters.

Demand and supply

We all know the demand and supply behavior. The more the goods of certain type the lesser the demand and it leads to lesser value. If goods are few, demand is more and automatically increases the value of the goods. Just like this, there are currency markets. The currency markets play key role in deciding money value. If Indian currency is more available i.e. supply is more and those demands get it without any constraints as it is more. But if it is less and is asked by many i.e. demand is more. This makes currency get value. To understand this, we can take example of graduates in India. Let us assume, there are more Mathematics’ graduates and less English graduates. Who will get more salary? The Maths graduates or English graduates. If we can understand this, we can understand the nuances hidden in currency value. The English graduates are paid more when compared to Maths graduates as they are more than necessary. Then why the Indian currency is available to currency markets more than needed. The answer is simple. We import much than export.


It is clear from above that rupee has its fall deliberately as well as fatefully. We cannot affirm a currency rules forever. Rupee will raise its face depending on the performance of its individual citizens.
Are you hardcore Group-1 aspirant, then navigate to Success tips for APPSC Group-1 Mains

12 tips to clear APPSC Group-1 Mains easily

APPSC group-1 is craziest among state posts. People who have completed their graduation compete to clinch the post and become an accomplished officer. Even the persons who are earning in lakhs leave their jobs for sake of preparation, for these posts. But, most of the people leave the competition field without understanding the nuances of APPSC group-1 mains. This article is an attempt to help the aspirants to keep a foot ahead in their journey.

1. Read syllabus daily

The sentence may make you doubtful that how one can read all syllabuses daily. It is said to read the given titles in the portion. This helps your brain where the boundaries of subject are located. This helps you not to get your time wasted. It helps you maintain your strategies successfully by demarcating your preparation area.

2. Find related topics

The syllabus of APPSC group-1 syllabus is somewhat bigger when looked. But if we can see there are related topics among the first four papers. For example, the paper 1 has its syllabus covered in other papers. Disaster management is existed topic in paper 1 and paper 4. There are such more topics in this syllabus. You have to wait for next post dealing with the related topics in four papers.

3. Be updated

Most of the aspirants prepare readymade materials to achieve their dream of becoming officers. But, dealing with the syllabus in this way make you one among lakhs. It will not differentiate you from others by doing this. You must be unique and your content in exams must be unique. For this you must read other resourceful books which provide you better word formation as well as nice content. Uniqueness brings you unique marks which help you in success.

4. Learn through pictures

“A picture speaks 100 words”
Pictures should be a part of your preparation. They are easy to remember. You forget less when comes to pictures. They are printed in brain very well than words. Find ways to learn through pictures in general topics as well as in science. You can include them in your writing to get appeal and upper hand. Choose pictures which are easy to draw in exams.

5. Listen to audio in free time

Few times we fed up with our preparation and take break. It is for few hours to somebody and lengthier days for others. Just spruce up your learning through audio. You can just listen your lessons and bring them back to active memory. It helps you in your writing process. The listening activity helps you learn even in your leisure time, travelling, while attending physical works which do not consume much brain power. Be passionate to listen and learn. This site provides you audio files of APPSC group1mains. Subscribe to newsletter and download the audio files.
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6. Micro-Macro studies

In our learning, there should be two ways i.e. micro and macro study. Few topics need elaborated study as they are prominent in prelims as well as mains. Few topics are useful for two papers like paper 1 and paper 4. They are to be studied in elaborated way and others in respective importance. Few topics are to be studied as they are. They are static such as preparation methods of insulin etc.

7. Make notes

Most of the aspirants work hard and read whatever they come across but cannot put forth output in proper ways. They fail in organizing their content. Whatever you read it should be put in a note book in order. Whatever you read, it should be useful during final review. Even you read thousands of books and cannot make notes we fail to bring out the needed outcome. Hence prepare notes from first day of your preparation keeping in view of last day preparation.

8. Specific to elaborative

Aspirants should be specific of the syllabus. As they grow in subject and confidence, they can have elaborated study on various topics. First be specific and do not touch other content even it seems more relevant. You will deal with all these topics in your later studies. This helps you complete your syllabus as well as helps you increase the confidence that you have finished reading your portion. For example, floods, droughts are given in syllabus. Be cling to them and learn. Later, after finishing the entire syllabus, go for landslides because it is also related to them. If you begin to study elaborately from the beginning you cannot finish the syllabus.

9. Study of previous question papers

Previous papers are direction tools for aspirants. They show the way how paper setters are thinking. It helps in understand the locus standi or limits of paper. It teaches you estimate the next paper. If your understanding synchronizes with the paper setter, it is sure that you are on the way to achieve desired goal. Just refer them whenever you are interested in. It helps you a lot.

10. Writing practice

Writing practice is the last element in learning process. If your input is very good and productive, then and only, your output will be good. First in learning process, you learn through listening, next discussions, reading and last writing. Writing practice is to be started after your completion of reading and before three or four months of mains exam. Every question need not be written. Only questions which you think they are going to appear in mains exams you are about to write. For rest of the questions, fervent study is enough.

11. Patience

This is very important for any arena or job. Without patience, you cannot achieve anything. The patience determines your capacity to win. Remember that patience is very important. Thomas Alva Edison failed 10000 times but his patience rewarded him a day. It not only lit the house of Edison, but also the houses of the world. The outcome of patience is superb. Do not let failure disturb your patience.

12. Share your knowledge

Share and double your learning
Few aspirants are very apprehensive to share their learning with others. They think that it will help others in gaining job or makes the individual lose job. There is a poem in Sanskrit which is read by me in my SSC. If you give food which is with you, it will decrease. If you give money which is with you to others it will decrease. But, the learning, if it is shared it does not decrease but it increases many folds. Sharing with others help you understand the content more precisely than who is being taught. Start sharing.