Top 10 social problems of India according to United States (Part 2)

Social problems are not getting proper solution to end them. as the time going several problems are vanishing. But new problems are being generated faster than extinguishing problems. This is part 2 of social problems of India according to United States.
Social Problems of India

6. Honour killings

These are another blot on the prestige of India. Daughters are thought to be robots as they have to listen to every word of parents in any issue including marriage. Those who do not listen properly and wed in other castes are being killed in the name of honour. In few states, Khap Panchayats play role in these honour killings. Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana are mostly affected. Honour killings constitute 10% of all killings. Such is the drastic situation prevailed in above stated states.

7. Corruption

Corruption has become necessary evil in India. Actually corruption is paid to make officials do what is not intended to do. But in India, corruption prevailed to make officers to do what they are intended to do. Here, bribes are given to expedite the necessary work. Every office is filled with bribe culture. As government employees are not getting enough salaries, they are used to this type of anti-law activities. As long as political corruption prevails, bureaucratic corruption will not be stopped. Political parties are not dealing with the roots of corruption. They are just pruning every time. This is not going to benefit Indians. There are recent scams 2g, Coalgate scam, commonwealth scan and many others.

8. Overburdened judiciary

Judiciary is not immune from problems generate out of greediness. It is inflicted with overburden. The system is maintaining age old practices. Still we can listen to the sounds of type writer in court premises. There should be steps to speed up the process. Digitalization is to be started. Every court should be unified through internet. The case details should be available to all. Vacancies are to be filled. There are more vacancies in the courts. Corruption is another blot on judiciary. Cases and their results vary according to name and fame. The judges are arrested in the case of Gali Janardhana Reddy are examples.

9. Naxalism

There are twin security problems to the country i.e. insurgency in borders and naxalism in central India. Insurgency is leading to kidnaps, rapes, murders and children as soldiers. Naxalism was spread in red corridor. Now and then, there are attacks on police and civilians. Naxalism was spread around mineral rich areas or forest areas. They are standing against the government wishes to stand for rural and tribal people. This is creating conflicting area. People are being displaced with the conflict between government and naxalites.

10. Abuse of rights

Power yielding sources are often abusing the rights of fellow beings. Fake encounters are carried out. Several police offers are charged with the cases of fake encounters. Ishrat Jahan case is considered to be fake which is creating ripples and calling for remedies. In India abuse of rights has become common factors as people do not participate in activities of government. There is great necessity for saving rights of civilians. Abuse of power is to be checked and balancing acts should be brought forward.

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