Top 10 social problems of India according to United States (Part 1)

This article deals with the India's social problems. These are existed in Top 10 social problems of IndiaIndia for years. The reports of US clearly described the top ten social problems in India which is making life of people deplorable. The social problems existed in India are as follows

1. Religious hatred

India is known for its diversity. Several religions have their birth in India and have grown. As there are different religions, few sections want to gain ground and cause disturbances to peace prevailed. As per US reports, the communal hatred is leading to deaths and displacement of people in India. Specific reports are provided to that aspect. It has quoted Muzaffar Nagar violence caused due to communal disturbances. The Muzaffar Nagar violence started with eve teasing by a Muslim. This has led to upheaval. As a result, sixty five deaths have occurred.

2. Caste bias

Caste favoritism is known factor to every Indian. In a time or the other, in life time, one is debased due to casteism. Government sector is maintaining balance by providing reservations to uplift the social status of downtrodden by infusing economic advantage in them. But, even after independence we could not wipe out casteism as it being grown. Dalits are facing humiliations. They are facing atrocities. Cases are growing day by day. Dalit women are being sexually harassed. Children are made sit in last rows of classrooms. Even welfare programmes are not reaching them. Welfare programmes are provided to them at the mercy of upper caste people.

3. Situation of States

United States of America is very concern with the state Gujarat. If we see the past, it has not granted visa to its chief minister. The social problem existed here is communal clashes and the victims are Muslims. In 2002, communal clashes occurred in Gujarat. Till now, there is no justice. The commission is still carrying out its stint to give its report for years. The Nanavati Mehta commission has got its 21st time extension. Delay in justice is injustice.
Social problems of India

4. Safety of girls

There are weird incidents those show the atrocities done on girls. Gang rape culture is growing enormously and cruelty is hissing all the time on girls. Delhi Nirbhaya incident has touched and pained all the hearts of Indians. Such situations are pathetic and raising the fingers of other countries to question us on these incidents. There are so many reasons for it. Complete overhauling of system is necessary. Even after Nirbhaya case, there are several incidents. This is alarming the society to take necessary steps.

5.  Domestic violence

The life woman is dependent on others at the every stage of life. She has been made a working woman in the kitchen. She is harassed for every reason. She has been beaten up for unnecessary things. She has become object of enjoyment and an object to divert the ire generated in working places. She is mostly harassed to bring dowry and gifts. This is rampant and families are being festered with problematic relations. Domestic violence act was put forth in 2005. But, this could not curtail the incidents of domestic violence. Most of the cases will not come to police stations as they are settled by elders.

If you are interested to know more about social problems of India, Top 10 Social problems of India Part 2.

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