Role of technology in protecting democracy in India

Technology and democracy in IndiaTechnology and Democrcy in India

Technology has become panacea for every problem of any arena. It can be medical, governance, management, industries, agriculture and many more. It has its active role in sustaining democracy too. It has helped in achieving the food productivity to sustain the over population. It is helping in management of great tasks.

Technology role in democracy


Technology has simplified the process of election in India. We have seen ballot boxes. These are very prone to be lifted up or being thrown elsewhere to stop election process. There is great scope for rigging which is mockery of democracy. Ink spilling in boxes is routine task for anti democratic elements. After the advent of electronic voting machines these cases are reduced. Only Polling personnel can give permission by pressing ballot button situated on EVMs. This has drastically reduced the chances of rigging. This helped in fair play. It has helped in bringing out the aspirations of people. Only People elected will come into power. Might is right may not be possible when compared with previous days. They have helped in reduction of human errors while counting. This led to reduction of cases and recounting when compared. Time consuming counting process has come to an end. Results will soon be declared within a day with advent of EVMs with few people employed. Previously lots of people have to be engaged in counting process.


With the advent of newer technologies Election commission has also come up with new thoughts which can speed up democratic process. EC has enabled people to apply for franchise right through website. In over populated country like India, It is not easy to get things done. In this context EC had come up with idea of an application for smart phone users. With this every one can easily know whether their name is in voter list or it is removed. Every detail like voter serial no., location of polling station etc are provided through this app. This application surely increases the polling percentage.


Election commission is taking help of media to propagate the value of vote. It is selecting celebrities to enhance the priority of people towards voting. It is giving advertisements and holding campaigns through print media etc. EC is using various media to update the rules and laws of election. It is creating awareness in public not only about voting but also for ousting illegal practices.

Arresting anti democratic elements

The advent of technology has helped in reducing the incidents of various anti democratic activities. It had become easy when compared to get proof to oust and discourage illicit activities. Such as cameras help in garnering the pictorial evidences to take action against miscreants.

Feedback systems

For any system feedback is necessary. Feedback improves a system. Just like that, it is helping in the corroboration of democracy through various technological equipments. Quick grievance redressal is possible through technology.

Way Ahead

Even it seems we have trodden long path, there is greater way ahead to achieve desired targets. There needs to be online voting system where one can sit home and vote. There needs to be great technological development to achieve this. In this tardy polling process, several sections who are educated could not participate in life giving process of democracy. Several IT people are not able to practice franchise as they are very far to their villages and constituencies. Online voting process can help in getting these votes too. But, we know this process has negative side too. Anyhow, technological updation can help to solve this problem too.